- Antecedents of Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites (SNSs): A Study of Facebook Users
- Assessment of adherence to the core elements of hospital antibiotic stewardship programs: A survey of the tertiary care hospitals in Punjab, Pakistan
- Corporate social responsibility and work engagement: Mediating roles of compassion and psychological ownership
- Demographic and socio-economic differences in financial information literacy among university students
- Do they perform what they perceive? Examining the IL skills of Pakistani scientists
- Effect of knowledge sharing on nurse’s job satisfaction: The mediating effect of innovation behavior
- Effects of students’ demographic and academic characteristics on library use: A perspective from Pakistan
- From information seeking to information avoidance: Understanding the health information behavior during a global health crisis
- How are we educating future physicians and pharmacists in Pakistan? A survey of the medical and pharmacy students’ perception on learning and preparedness to assume future roles in antibiotic use and resistance
- Impact of conspiracy beliefs on Covid-19 fear, and health protective behavior: A case of university students
- Impact of knowledge sharing at workplace on individual work performance of nurses in Pakistan
- Information needs of myocardial infarction patients: An integrative review
- Perception of public information officers about the Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act: Usefulness, satisfaction and constraints
- Predictors of information literacy self-efficacy among medical students: PLS-SEM analysis
- Professional networking with emailing groups: A case of Pakistan Library Automation Group
- Promoting in-role and extra-role green behavior through ethical leadership: mediating role of green HRM and moderating role of individual green values
- Readiness for online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Pakistani LIS students
- Research practices of LIS professionals in Pakistan: A study of attitudes, involvement and competencies
- Social media use and information sharing behavior of university students
- Sustainable development challenges in libraries: A systematic literature review 2000 to 2020
- Understanding the challenges of e-learning during the global pandemic emergency: The students’ perspective
- Use of social media as political information source: The case of Panama Leaks in Pakistan
- Emergency management in higher education during COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenology inquiry comparing a developed and developing country
- To What Extent Pakistani Citizens are Enjoying the Right of Access to Information? An Exploratory Study
- Understanding Knowledgeable Workers’ Behavior Toward COVID-19 Information Sharing Through WhatsApp in Pakistan
- Factors affecting knowledge sharing: A review of Pakistani literature
- Impact of personal and organizational factors on knowledge sharing attitude of university teachers in Pakistan
- Ranking Web of Universities: Is Webometrics a reliable academic ranking?
- Application of linked data technologies in digital libraries: a review of literature
- Comparison among Journal Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Score and SCImago Journal Rank Indicator of LIS journals
- The relationship of personal innovativeness, quality of digital resources and generic usability with users’ satisfaction: A Pakistani perspective
- Online Information Searching Skills of Business Students
- Relationship between knowledge sharing and job satisfaction: a systematic review
- Factors Contributing Towards Research Productivity and Visibility: a Case Study of Pakistan
- Critical Size Defects for Bone Regeneration Experiments in the Dog Mandible: A Systematic Review
- Factors influencing the adoption of digital reference service among university librarians in Pakistan
- A systematic review of evidence on psychometric properties of information literacy tests
- Reliability and validity of self-efficacy scales assessing students’ information literacy skills A systematic review
- Knowledge Sharing through Web 2.0 Technologies: A study of community of practice of librarians
- Resource sharing among information professionals: An exploratory study of pre-requisites
- Review of Google scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus search results: The case of inclusive education research
- Bibliometric patterns and indicators of research collaboration of Egyptian health scientists: 1980 – 2014
- Correlation Between Perception-Based Journal Rankings and the Journal Impact Factor (JIF): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Validation of Journal Impact Metrics of Web of Science and Scopus
- Contributing factors in knowledge sharing for performance of university students in teachers’ training programs
- SCImago Journal Rank Indicator: A Viable Alternative to Journal Impact Factor for Dental Journals
- Do People Overestimate Their Information Literacy Skills? A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence on the Dunning-Kruger Effect
- Correlation among top 100 universities in the major six global rankings: policy implications
- Ready for e-electioneering? Empirical evidence from Pakistani political parties’ websites
- Contributions of Dr. Anis Khurshid to Library Literature: A Bibliometric Study
- Research Collaboration in Saudi Arabia 1980–2014: Bibliometric Patterns and National Policy to Foster Research Quantity and Quality
- Combating problems related to library software in higher education institutions of Pakistan: An analysis of focus groups
- Do People Overestimate Their Information Literacy Skills? A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence on the Dunning-Kruger Effect
- Research on knowledge management in Pakistan: A literature review
- Information literacy skills of engineering students: A survey
- Status of Library Software in Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan
- Perceptions of Faculty about Information Literacy Skills of Postgraduate Engineering Students
- How do educational administrators in Pakistan seek information? A survey
- Access points, patterns and satisfaction level of online information resources by university research students
- Service structure of librarians in public sector universities of the Punjab: An analysis
- Use, purpose and usage ranking of online information resources by university research students
- Promotional avenues for public sector university librarians of Lahore: Experts’ views and new proposal
- A Study of IT Infrastructure in Pakistani University Libraries
- Library software in Pakistan A review of literature
- Readiness for digital reference service (DRS) in university libraries: A survey in the Punjab, Pakistan
- Subject dispersion of LIS research in Pakistan
- Information literacy skills assessment of undergraduate engineering students.
- Leadership Style, Culture and Commitment: An Analytical Study of University Libraries in Pakistan
- Applicability of Lotka’s law to Pakistani LIS authors
- Administration of Education Enterprise and Gaps in the Provision of Needed Information: The Case of Pakistan
- Information Literacy Skills Assessment of Undergraduate Engineering Students
- Infrastructure needed for digital reference service (DRS) in university libraries: An exploratory survey in the Punjab, Pakistan
- Empirical results of academic librarians’ attitudes toward knowledge management in Pakistan
- Relationship of Students’ Perceived Information Literacy Skills with Personal and Academic Variables
- Impact of Web 2.0 technologies on academic libraries: A survey of ARL libraries
- Impact of IT on Human Resources of Pakistani University Libraries
- A Comparison of MLIS Curricula Taught in Pakistani Library and Information Science Schools with Higher Education Commission Curriculum
- Development of a service quality model for academic libraries
- Variable Affecting the Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Educational Administrators: A Review
- Knowledge-sharing behavior in dairy sector of Pakistan
- Bibliographic control of LIS literature in Pakistan
- A Macro Sketch of Users’ Needs, Satisfaction, and Library Performance: A Survey of University Libraries in Pakistan
- Electronic resources and services in Pakistani university libraries: A survey of users’ satisfaction
- The Changing Role of Librarians in the Digital World: Adoption of Web 2.0 Technologies in Pakistani Libraries
- Scanning the Information Infrastructure of Pakistan: A Step Towards the Development of a National Educational Information System
- Free and Open Source Software Movement in LIS Profession in Pakistan
- LIS Curriculum Review Using Focus Group Interviews of Employers
- eBook Readers: User Satisfaction and Usability Issues
- Teachers’ conceptions about information literacy skills of school children
- Pakistan Library and Information Council: A Proposal
- Information needs and seeking behavior of medical researchers in Pakistan: A survey
- Alumni Participation in LIS Program Review: The Case of MLIS at University of the Punjab
- Availability of Needed Information to Educational Administrators in Pakistan: A Survey
- Library and Information Science Education in Pakistan: A decade of development
- Adoption of Web 2.0 in US academic libraries: A survey of ARL library websites
- A Survey of User Perception and Satisfaction with Reference Services in University Libraries of Punjab
- Impact of Web 2.0 technologies on US academic libraries: A study of ARL libraries
- Library and information science education in Pakistan — A decade of development — 2000-2009
- Development of agricultural libraries in Pakistan
- Access and use of the Internet in the libraries of Lahore, Pakistan
- Attitudes towards the Internet: A Survey of LIS Professionals in Pakistan
- Model Development as a research tool: An example of PAK-NISEA
- The role of educational information systems for survival in information society and the case of Pakistan
- Entertainment, communication or academic use? A survey of Internet cafe users in Lahore, Pakistan
- A Study of the Usefulness of Pakistan Library Automation Group’s (PakLAG) Services
- Internet Use Behavior and Attitude of College Students: a Survey of Leadership Colleges’ Network
- Relationship among leadership style, organizational culture and employee commitment in university libraries
- Changing research scenario in Pakistan and demand for research qualified LIS professionals
- Classification of Islamic literature in Pakistani libraries: A survey
- Use of electronic information resources and facilities by humanities scholars
- Dr. Syed Jalaludin Haider: A Bio-bibliometric Study
- The need of information system and networks for survival into information society
- Allama Iqbal Open University Library services to teachers: A survey
- Status of reference and information services in university libraries of Lahore, Pakistan
- Devising a Classification Scheme for Islam: Opinions of LIS and Islamic Studies Scholars
- Library web sites in Pakistan: An analysis of content
- How humanists use libraries: A survey of arts and humanities faculty at University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
- The Role of Mailing Groups in the Development of the Library Profession in Pakistan: the case of plagpk
- Libraries’ Services at Distance: A Survey of Allama Iqbal Open University Tutors in Pakistan
- LIS Research in Pakistan: An Analysis of Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal 1998-2007
- Web-based Services in University Libraries: A Pakistani Perspective
- Web search behavior of university students: A case study at University of the Punjab
- Why the Offline Are Offline: A Survey of Internet Use by Educated Pakistani Adults
- Are users satisfied with library services? The case of Punjab University Library
- Use of bibliometrics in LIS research
- Emerging information society in Pakistan and the role of libraries
- Gender, subject and degree differences in university students’ access, use and attitudes toward information and communication technology (ICT)
- Information Needs and Information-Seeking Behavior of Arts and Humanities Teachers: A Survey of the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
- Off-Campus Postgraduate Students’ Perceptions About Distance Library Support Services: A Case Study of Allama Iqbal Open University Libraries Network
- Integrated Library Software: A Survey of Lahore
- Volunteer Endeavors to Promote ICT in a Developing Country: the case of the Pakistan Library Automation Group
- Library web OPACs in Pakistan: an overview
- Indicators of the Emerging Information Society in Pakistan
- Perceptions of LIS professionals about digital libraries in Pakistan: the Pakistani perspective
- ICT based services in public libraries of Pakistan
- Need for revising the role of university libraries in HEC university ranking criteria
- Internet Use among University Students: A Survey in University of the Punjab, Lahore
- Potential for fee-based library services in Pakistan
- Copyright and Book Piracy in Pakistan
- Library fundraising in Pakistan
- Fundraising in Pakistani libraries: Perceptions of library leaders
- Use of LIS journals in developing countries – A comparative study of Malaysia and Pakistan
- Multipurpose community telecenters for rural development in Pakistan
- Library Funding in Pakistan: A Survey
- Free vs. fee based library services: Survey of library leaders in Pakistan
- Cataloguing practice in university libraries: A comparison of three developing countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia)
- Information technology and library education in Pakistan: Recent developments in the curriculum
- Emerging Trends in Technical Services in Libraries: a training experience in Pakistan
- Information Technology Education in Pakistani Library Schools
- The best library software for developing countries: More than 30 plus points of micro CDS/ISIS
- Urdu subject heading lists: A survey of the efforts of fifty years
- Subject index to PULSAA News (vol.1 to vol. 8)
- Online public access catalogue (OPAC) at Department of Library Science
- Subject cataloging in Pakistani libraries
- Pakistani librarianship during 1990s: A literature review
- The Best Library Software for Developing Countries
- Library and Information Services in Pakistan: A Review of Articles Published in Foreign Journals
- The status of library automation in Pakistan
- Promoting Information Technology in Pakistan: the Netherlands Library Development Project
- Do you need a lamp to enlighten your library: An introduction to Library Automation and Management Program (LAMP)
- Information technology in library schools: A case study of the University of the Punjab
- Scientific management: Introduction and application in libraries (Urdu)
- Subject index to Pakistan Library Association Journal: 1960-1995
- Why is automation necessary for libraries? (Urdu)
- Why should we use CDS/ISIS in Libraries?
- PLA Computer Training Center, Lahore: Three Years of Success